Supporting Mothers And Families Is An Act Of Love And Reverence On This Sacred Walk…
Putting the care of the family unit at the forefront, is an investment for our future…
Birth is ceremony. Life givers creating and birthing life. The bridge between the spirit world and this earthly plane is touched by the birthing mama. Being of service on this journey, witnessing and holding space in the infinite mystery of child bearing, birthing and raising, is my soul at work. And the way we change the world starts with the Mothers…
As your Doula I’m here to advocate, celebrate, and honor your Motherhood Journey…
The relationship with your care team during pregnancy and postpartum is deep and intimate. I am committed to listening, serving and supporting your unique needs as your family unit shifts and grows. Witnessing you in the transformation from Maiden to Mother, while building a sweet and safe container for you to be held, is the foundation of my services as your Birth and/or Postpartum Doula.
Ready to take the next step?
I’d love to meet and drop in! Choosing your team is a beautiful and special part of the journey. I’m here to make it as easeful as possible. Meeting in person can be really nourishing and allow us to feel into our dynamic, and see if we’re a good match. If meeting on zoom feels more easeful and in alignment with your needs, that is an option as well.

“Demitra was a huge support in many ways throughout my pregnancy. The innate and authentic gifts she has to share are bountiful. Her ability to drop in with full presence and deep listening is perhaps the most important of the many ways she supported me. Through the emotional waves, fears, anxieties as well as the excitement, joy and feelings of gratitude, Demitra always honored the emotion that was present with nurturing care. I felt so safe in every emotion to reach out when I needed or wanted to be seen, heard, held, or witnessed. There was a gentleness, respect and unique style of care for my individual experience that always accompanied her in our time together.”
— Kristin Rocco Mahadin
"Demitra is an incredibly gifted guide who offers traditional birthing wisdom alongside vital emotional support. During our birth when things got tough and obstacles were presented, Demitra was fully present, without judgement or hesitation to carry us through the passage. Her ability to drop in and mirror back feelings and expressions of our experience was key while we integrated and processed our birth story. Demitra not only demonstrated deep support for me through my mothering journey, she was also an incredible support person for my partner as he came into his new role as a father. Her nourishing meals and herbal remedies are just a lovely bonus to everything else she brings to the birth space. We are so grateful to have had her support throughout pregnancy and postpartum, she provides an essential service for new families."
-Mikaila Brennan
I see you Mama, in this Sacred Motherhood walk. As your ally, witness and fellow Mother…
Join the movement of care and reawakening the village of support. We’re not meant to do this alone. Stepping into the Rite of Passage that Motherhood holds, is deep medicine. I bow in reverence to you…